Terms Of Use

Contribution and Refund Guideline

Monthly Pass Cycle and Payment:
At Yoggiri, the Monthly Pass Cycle begins on the 1st of each month. The full contribution (fee) must be paid in advance before your first class of the month.

Walk-in Classes Payment:
For walk-in classes, please make your payment on the same day as the class. We do not offer credit options for these sessions.

Pro-Rata Calculation for Monthly Pass Start Date:
If you start your Monthly Pass between the 1st and 15th of the month, your fee will be calculated pro-rata until the month’s end. For instance, starting on the 6th will result in a contribution for 25 days.
If you start between the 16th and 30th, your fee will be pro-rated until the end of the following month. For example, starting on the 18th will require payment for 43 days.

Monthly Pass Continuation and Notification:
To avoid automatic renewal, please notify us before your Monthly Pass ends if you do not wish to continue. Failure to do so will result in a new pass being activated. If you notify us later, you will be liable to pay the walk-in class rate for any sessions attended until the notification date.

Missed Classes and Adjustments:
Missed classes are non-refundable and will not be adjusted. Once your pass starts, no extensions or adjustments will be made, even if you discontinue.

Pass Validity:
Yoga Monthly Pass: 30 Days
12 Class Pass: 30 Days (M/W/F or T/Th/S)
All Class Pass: 30 Days
12 Private Session Pass: 30 Days (M/W/F or T/Th/S)
20 Private Session Pass: 30 Days (Mon-Sat)

Refund Policy:
All payments for Group Classes (Monthly Pass/12 Class Pass/All Class Pass) and Private Yoga Sessions (12/20 Sessions Pass) are non-refundable.

Transfer of Registration:
Passes are non-transferable, but in certain cases, you may transfer the remaining pass days to another person with an additional fee of ₹2000.

Online Classes and Technical Difficulties:
For any technical difficulties on your end during online classes, missed sessions will not be adjusted or refunded. However, you may transfer your remaining classes to another person with written notice.

Cancellation Policies for Private Sessions:
For Private Yoga lessons, a 24-hour cancellation notice is required for a full refund. Cancellations made later will require half payment.
Event cancellations will be refunded online after deducting applicable fees. Refunds are processed within 10 business days of cancellation.

Account Handling and Terms:
As I manage all departments at Yoggiri individually, your cooperation with these policies allows me to focus on teaching. Thank you for understanding and supporting this one-person operation.

Final Note:
Please view me as your teacher, and refrain from negotiating or disputing these simple policies. I appreciate your cooperation in maintaining smooth operations.

(The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you.)

By proceeding, you agree to have read and accepted the Contribution & Refund Policy in full.

Studio Etiquette Guidelines (Online Classes)

To ensure a harmonious and focused online yoga experience, please follow these guidelines:

Arrival and Setup for Online Classes:
Join the virtual class a few minutes early to settle in and ensure your space is set up. Once logged in, ensure your camera is placed in a way that won’t require frequent adjustments during the session. If you join late, wait until the "centering" portion is complete before quietly entering the session and unmuting.

Early Departure:
If you need to leave early, please take a moment for savasana before exiting the class to avoid disrupting others.

Yogic Conduct Guidelines:
Punctuality: Be on time for each class.
Notification of Absence: Kindly notify us via WhatsApp in the group if you cannot attend a class.
Attitude: Leave judgments and ego behind; approach each session with an open mind.
Personal Hygiene: Ensure you are fresh and clean before your session.
Minimal Conversation: Minimize conversations during class and maintain silence when possible.
Technical Preparation: Ensure your devices are silenced and your camera is well-positioned for the session.
Respect for the Teacher: Show respect for the teacher’s guidance and express gratitude for their support.

By adhering to these online guidelines, we can collectively maintain a respectful, peaceful environment for everyone to enjoy their practice.

Usage Permissions and Copyright Notice (Online Classes)

Image and Video Usage: We reserve the right to use images and videos from our online classes, workshops, and events. If you prefer not to be featured, please inform us ahead of time.
Website Content Usage: You may print or download content from our website, provided you do not alter it and include proper credits.

Following these terms ensures a respectful and transparent use of our resources and content.